Myriam Caissy Montmory

Manager of Kalymnos Climbing Guide

Myriam Montmory Manager Kalymnos climbing guide greece

Myriam Montmory was borned in Quebec, Canada. At 18 years old, she started to travel around the world and soon discovered a passion for foreign languages. She holds a degree in International studies & Modern Languages from Laval University, Québec, and a master degree from Stendhal University, Grenoble, France. She also studied Chinese at Guanxi Normal University (China), Spanish at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) and now Greek on Kalymnos!

She is a language teacher, translator and manager of Kalymnos Climbing Guide with Simon Montmory  since they settled down on the island.

For her, climbing is a way of life: the occasion to travel, challenge herself, discover the most beautiful nature around the world and meet people… And Kalymnos offers it all together!